Direct access to the image archive is not available (this is intentional, as it is likely that direct handling of the archived files would lead to mistakes, such as deleted files). Therefore, this window is available as a means of communicating with the archive.
A click on the Images button opens a window for the image handling system.
You will end up here:
The window is divided into two parts:
The field server lets you choose the server that hold the images you wish to look at.
This button behaves in two different ways:
The information in the tabbed views depends on the last time the server was scanned. If one suspects this to be out of date, one can issue a rescan with this button.
Before using this, make sure that you have selected the correct server!
You can use the institution and family-field to narrow your search, then click either on Get last Scan or Get last Scan with Faulty HerbNumbers. The result will look like this:
This column tells you which database entries have the dig. image box checked, but no image in the archive. Clicking on a number will open the Edit Specimens-field.
This column tells you which images have been taken, but contain no database entry. Clicking on the number will open a simple data entry sheet to enter the specimen.
This column tells you for which images, entries exist that are marked checked but not dig. image. Clicking on the number will open the Edit Specimens-window.
This column tells you how many and which database entries have faulty numbers. Clicking on the name will open the Edit Specimens-form. This information is only given if requested by the right button.
This field shows information on the consistency of the archive and the viewer. This should be empty. If its not, contact the person in charge of the archive.
In the thread logs tab, you can see the messages that the archive has produced, whilst importing the images. If you pick a date, and click on List Threads all log-files from that date until today are shown.
The server usually runs the routine import at 2:30am, so there should always be a log at that time. If you want to read the messages of the log, click on the corresponding line.
If the thread log is empty when you click on it, close it and open it again, this happens often.
If there are images to be exported, where there are already images in the archive, the import will fail and leave a message in the thread log. This might look like this:
Imports that fail, have to be forced.
If a picture that is in the archive, should be overwritten by a new picture, this has to be done following these steps: